Friday, May 30, 2014

So, There Are These BOYS They Kinda Stole My Heart ♥
Picture credit:

For many years now I did not understand the true purpose of being a mom. I thought it was just one of requirements of life. I accepted it because it was what my great-grandmother, grandmother and mother did and now it was my turn. When I gave birth to my first son it was quite easy, but as time went by and the kids kept coming, my patients grew thin. I became angry and unpleasant to be around, I felt out of control and all I wanted to do was throw in the towel. Then I came across this book called A Mom After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George. This book really ministered to my life. It changed my whole perspective on being a mom and I then realized that my home was my first ministry. I now know that my purpose as mom is to raise Godly men, men that will purse God with all their hearts and advance His kingdom. 

Here are the top 3 reasons I've devoted myself to being a 
Mom After God.

My oldest son is Jordan Joseph. He just turned 12 and loves to play video games. Jordan's a leader. When we take him to the park he takes over the playground. All the kids are drawn to him. He looks out for his two younger brothers and is very protective. Like all boys, Jordan can be little hard of hearing but he is an obedient young man and takes care of his chores and responsibilities around the house without a fight. He loves to make people laugh with his jokes but above all he honors and respects me and his dad. 

My 2nd son is Joshua James. He is 10 years old and if I can describe his character in one word it would be EXUBERANT.  The moment you meet Josh, you fall in love with him. He loves to read and loves to draw. He is so creative. He is musically inclined and from time to time he sits in his room with his piano and teaches himself to play a song. He loves to go out on dates with mommy and is very caring. He's the most lovable boy you'll ever meet.

Last but not least is my Little Joe- Joseph Felix. He just turned five and is convinced that he can rule the world. (well not the world, more like our house). He has a mind of his own and loves to get his way. Joseph loves to sing and play drums.  He looks for anything he can find that would make a loud sound and begin playing while singing a song. While holding my hand he will randomly kiss it, look at me and smile. 

I often wondered why God did not bless me we with a little girl, but it's clear to me that God knew exactly what he was doing when he blessed me with my little tykes. 

From dirt and lizards and boyish things that make girls quiver, 
to Love and Honor and becoming a great father.
That's what raising boys is all about.

Since the beginning of time the enemy has tried to destroy families and he has not seized trying. I believe that the enemy's target is boys. Why? Because he knows that they will grow up to be the head and the leaders of their homes and he will do everything in his power to derail them from God's plan for their lives. 

God has placed this unswerving desire in my heart to educate my boys alongside my husband on what it means to be a young man after Gods own heart. The word of God says:

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will never depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

As a mother I want to encourage you to go into the presence of God daily. As a new day dawns, new challenges arise therefore; we need to pray and ask the Lord for wisdom every morning. We need to seek the Lord's guidance as we go through this journey in raising Kingdom Men. 

Love your kids on Purpose!

Mom After God 


  1. Sarah, I love this! The fact that I am not a mom still didn't stop me from learning and receiving, one day I will be a mom after God like you! ❤️
